Travel with babies?
Don't overpack

Rent on spot

Popular items

How it works?

  • Our rental process is simple! Just browse our selection of baby gear, select the items you need, choose your rental dates, and proceed to checkout. We'll take care of the rest, delivering the equipment to your desired location and picking it up when you're done.

  • Absolutely! The safety and cleanliness of our baby equipment are our top priorities. We thoroughly clean and sanitize each item before and after every rental to ensure it meets the highest standards of hygiene and safety.

  • We understand that accidents happen, and our priority is your safety and satisfaction. If you accidentally damage or break rented equipment during your rental period, please notify us immediately. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may be responsible for repair or replacement costs. We encourage open communication and transparency, so please don't hesitate to reach out to discuss the situation. Our goal is to find a fair solution that minimizes any inconvenience to you while ensuring the continued quality of our rental service.